People who want to be safe but don't want to sacrifice style.
Have any of the following conditions or allergies?
Take any of the following medications?
- Anemia - Angina - Anticoagulants - Asthma - Atrial fibrillation -
Autism - Autistic - Bee sting allergy - Blood thinners - Cancer patients
- Cardiac patients - Cerebral palsy - Clinical trial patients - COPD -
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Coumadin - Dairy allergy -
Dementia - Diabetes - Diabetic - Emphysema - Epilepsy - Food allergies -
Hearing impaired - Hypertension - Insect allergies - Medicine allergies
- Mentally impaired - Multiple medications - Nut allergy - Pacemakers -
Parkinson's - Rare diseases - Seizures - Sight impaired - Special needs
children - Stroke risk - Surgery patients - Transplant patients -
What should I engrave on my medical ID bracelet?
Elegant Medical Alert Jewelry, Inc. cannot be held liable in the event that products do not inform personnel of a medical condition.