People who want to be safe but don't want to sacrifice style.

Have any of the following conditions or allergies?

Take any of the following medications?

Protect yourself and your loved ones with Elegant Medical Alert.

Alzheimer's - Anemia - Angina - Anticoagulants - Asthma - Atrial fibrillation - Autism - Autistic - Bee sting allergy - Blood thinners - Cancer patients - Cardiac patients - Cerebral palsy - Clinical trial patients - COPD - Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease - Coumadin - Dairy allergy - Dementia - Diabetes - Diabetic - Emphysema - Epilepsy - Food allergies - Hearing impaired - Hypertension - Insect allergies - Medicine allergies - Mentally impaired - Multiple medications - Nut allergy - Pacemakers - Parkinson's - Rare diseases - Seizures - Sight impaired - Special needs children - Stroke risk - Surgery patients - Transplant patients - Warfarin

What should I engrave on my medical ID bracelet?

Click here to find out!

Elegant Medical Alert Jewelry, Inc. cannot be held liable in the event that products do not inform personnel of a medical condition.